
"Families of the World"

Yerba Buena Gardens of

San Francisco

9x9' in 3 days

The day after 9/11/01 I was afraid to go into San Franciso to draw out in the open. I felt vulnerable. But I had to show what I was feeling. I changed my plans and designed a new image of peace for the world. I wanted to show that an attack on New York, with all of its imigrants, is like an attack on the families of the world who come here for freedom and a better life. I wanted to send a reaction not for war, but for peace. I wanted to show protection for families not only in New York, but around the globe. I found my images in Norman Rockwell's work. As I was drawing, I found much compassion from travelers who were caught here while the airports were shut down. It was reassuring to realize I was not alone. The people of the world were with us in those sad days. They gave me courage.